Recycling Policy.
My gift boxes are made from recycled materials and can be fully recycled throughout the uk although please remove the ribbon and magnetic element from the large boxes first. However, it is my hope that you can re-use the boxes around the home to keep precious things inside.
I try to recycle and re use packaging materials as much as I can. I do have to order in a few items including the boxes that I send the work in as they have to be a certain size, the bubble wrap which I hope you can use to send your own items in and the black shredded paper which is biodegradable and recyclable.
I sometimes use polystyrene boxes to keep your items safe in the post as they are both strong and lightweight. I recycle these from a local shop who would otherwise have to dispose of them. You can re-use them for your own packaging needs or they can be broken up into small pieces and placed in the bottom of plant pots to help drainage.